
Showing posts from October, 2021

Technical Presentation

Introduction   Title- Prioritizing community development The Lift-off foundation founder : Mthokozisi Nkosi    Organization   1.1 Organizational history : Established 21 September 2018     1.2 Organogram : Chairperson, Secretary, Treasure  1.3 Organizational Role : Fundraising, Planning, Monitoring   Objectives and Projects  2.1 Smart Goals – creative innovation and bringing achievable goals 2.3 Book Drive-encouraging Literacy development and reading writing 2.4 Feeding Programs – Giving out food parcels, feeding child household families  2.4 Talent Search – Drama, music, dance and poetry 2.5 Skills Transfer Programs Basic micro soft skills  Community Engagement 3.1 Meetings -Community gatherings  3.2 Social Clubs – Book clubs, support systems social teams, Inter organizational meetings  Common Interests Group  4.1 Social pupil-after school programs  4.2 Unemployed young people – Skills transfer  4.3 child headed homes   Online inter-Active Methods  Email address : www.theLift-off fo

The Lift-Off Foundation Brand Marketing Plan

Organizational background  The organization was established on the 21st of September 2018, The primary purpose of the organization is to advance and promote skills development program for the youth, and create a conducive community environment for child development.  Founder : Mthokozisi Nkosi OrganoGram : Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer. S.M.A.R.T Goals:  To transform the lives of young people through the provision of skills development and talent programs.  The foundation shall initiate an out reach skills program to equip young people with basic computer skills for a duration of 4 weeks.  Target Market The foundation aims to focus mainly on young people between the ages of 15-35, however much priority will also be placed on any community member who has interest in community development.  Strategies and Approach The Lift-off foundation is a goal oriented organisation  The foundation shall establish community programs to reach out the community The foundation shall utilize voluntee

The Lift-off foundation online reputation management strategy

The Lift-off foundation online reputation management strategy The primary purpose of the strategy is to safeguard the image of the organisation online,and provide content that supports youth and community development.     Participants Engagement  .Immediate response to quiries/or inquiries .Standard method of responding to questions  .Clear and precise provision of information  .Build on a Positive engagement culture  Active online Presence .Create an easy accessible website domain  .Create a Facebook  account with a donor button  .Create a Twitter account with a link to the           company's website .A good You Tube channel with inspiring/luring content    .Weekly news letters to give direction on the organisations Activities, Objectives and Achievements   Content creation and online research   .issue out Unambiguous online content   . Reduce the amount of Technical glitches and       provide exciting content.   .Remove unnecessary ads.   .Updates geolocations for participants t


  HIV Policy  Applications of this policy This policy applies to all members of the organization.  HIV knows no social, gender or racial boundaries, but it is accepted that socio-economic circumstances influence disease patterns . Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS) is a condition that follows infection with a virus known as Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), which causes a breakdown of the body, s natural defense mechanism leaving the carrier increasingly vulnerable to opportunistic infections and malignant tumours, caused by our body being unable to fight infections.  HIV is transmitted mostly in four ways : (1) Through unprotected sexual intercourse (2)From an infected mother to child during pregnancy, or breastfeeding  (3) Through contaminated mother to blood products (4)Through sharing contaminated instruments such as sex toys or needles/ injections Not all individuals who become infected with HIV virus will develop AIDS, and some may experience no symptoms at all althou


THE LIFT OFF FOUNDATION ANNUAL EVEN. GOOD PARCELS GIVE DATE : 15/08/21 BOOK DRIVE & LITERACY IMPROVEMENT DATE : 15/07/2021 TALENT SEARCH DATE : 11/09/2021 SOUP KITCHEN DATE : 01/12/2021 For inquiries, Participants must direct the queries their on the following contact details : Mthokozisi Nkosi : 0732 959 539 Twitter : @ The Lift-off foundation Facebook : The Lift-off foundation Email : www.the Lift-off foundation


The Lift-Off Foundation Digital Press release. Email address : www.theLift-off foundation  Twitter : @The Lift-off foundation  Facebook : The Lift-off foundation