The Lift-off foundation online reputation management strategy

The Lift-off foundation online reputation management strategy

The primary purpose of the strategy is to safeguard the image of the organisation online,and provide content that supports youth and community development.
 Participants Engagement 

.Immediate response to quiries/or inquiries
.Standard method of responding to questions 
.Clear and precise provision of information 
.Build on a Positive engagement culture 

Active online Presence

.Create an easy accessible website domain 
.Create a Facebook  account with a donor button  .Create a Twitter account with a link to the           company's website
.A good You Tube channel with inspiring/luring content   
.Weekly news letters to give direction on the organisations Activities, Objectives and Achievements

 Content creation and online research 

 .issue out Unambiguous online content 
 . Reduce the amount of Technical glitches and       provide exciting content. 
 .Remove unnecessary ads. 
 .Updates geolocations for participants to view and  access

 Identify opportunities  

.Improve brand image and quality 
.Track visitors activity 
.Create trust and reliability on site visit 
.Create a cost effective online experience 

 Understanding the organisations services

 .Provide clear accurate service the organisation is offering.
 .Place the requisite detailed information on organisations employees, their contact details and their roles.
.Give unambiguous information about the mission and vision of the organisation.

Follow up measures

 .Review comments stars and ratings
 .Priorities Google analytics
 .Provide feedback through emails and sms 6
The online Presence Approach should be enticing,with the intention to lure traffic to the organisations social platform, and depict the organisation in a Positive light.


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