Technical Presentation


 Title- Prioritizing community development

The Lift-off foundation founder: Mthokozisi Nkosi 

 1.1 Organizational history : Established 21 September 2018
 1.2 Organogram: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasure
 1.3 Organizational Role: Fundraising, Planning, Monitoring

 Objectives and Projects 

2.1 Smart Goals – creative innovation and bringing achievable goals
2.3 Book Drive-encouraging Literacy development and reading writing
2.4 Feeding Programs – Giving out food parcels, feeding child household families 
2.4 Talent Search – Drama, music, dance and poetry 2.5 Skills Transfer Programs Basic micro soft skills 

Community Engagement

3.1 Meetings -Community gatherings 
3.2 Social Clubs – Book clubs, support systems social teams, Inter organizational meetings 

Common Interests Group

 4.1 Social pupil-after school programs
 4.2 Unemployed young people – Skills transfer
 4.3 child headed homes

 Online inter-Active Methods 

Email address : www.theLift-off foundation 
Twitter : @The Lift-off foundation 
Facebook : The Lift-off foundation
Instagram : the lift off foundation
YouTube   : the lift off foundation
Blogs         : the lift off foundation

Feed Back measures & online Activity


The Lift-off foundation targets to improve the community of Mayibuye, promote an interactive working relation with other organizations to create a conducive environment for child development and skills transfer for young unemployed youth.


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