The Lift-Off Foundation Brand Marketing Plan

Organizational background 

The organization was established on the 21st of September 2018, The primary purpose of the organization is to advance and promote skills development program for the youth, and create a conducive community environment for child development. 

Founder : Mthokozisi Nkosi
OrganoGram: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer.

S.M.A.R.T Goals: To transform the lives of young people through the provision of skills development and talent programs. 
The foundation shall initiate an out reach skills program to equip young people with basic computer skills for a duration of 4 weeks. 

Target Market

The foundation aims to focus mainly on young people between the ages of 15-35, however much priority will also be placed on any community member who has interest in community development. 

Strategies and Approach

The Lift-off foundation is a goal oriented organisation 
The foundation shall establish community programs to reach out the community
The foundation shall utilize volunteers to fulfil its duties 
Online platform will serve as an integral driver of the foundation
The foundation will hold community meetings, inter-organisational meetings to to work with the broader community
The organizations intends to engage the  community through its online presence.

 Twitter :@The Lift-off foundation 
  Facebook :The Lift-off foundation 
 Email : The Lift-off@gmail. Com


The foundation has managed to successfully hold skills development programs,and talent search events wherein the regional arts and culture department offered certificates of participation.
The foundation has also successfully initiated food schemes,by providing food to children and golden oldies.

 Fund Raising

The first reference point of funding shall be the foundation members 
The foundation shall attract funds through its program and events 
The community together with the local small business shall be the primary source of funding. 

Feasibility study 

The foundation operates in an environment that is impoverished with high unemployment rate, that result in criminal activities and drug abuse, an environment with such trappings requires a skills remedial program as a solution.


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